D.A. Turner's reply

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D.A. Turner's reply.

In reply to EWD759, D.A. Turner sent me the following proof by returning mail.

“Thank you for your “somewhat open letter”, which arrived yesterday. You pose several task —the order in which I have decided to tackle them is to establish first the precise formal relationship between f and g.

First some notation. I shall call the elements of a list f ,   f0 f1 f2 etc. and I shall use the notation

for the list [h(A), h(A+1), ..., h(B)].

Now I define a function “upto”

upto i f = least j ≥ 0 such that fj > i (upto.0)
The claim to be established is that
g = [upto i f ] i=0 (Theorem 1)
From upto.0 we deduce the following two propositions, which could be considered a SASL definition of upto
a > i ⊢ upto i (a:f ) = 0 (upto.1)
ai ⊢ upto i (a:f ) = 1 + upto i f (upto.2)

We have also your definition of the function “k”

py ⊢ k x y (p:q) = k (x+1) y q (k.1)
p > y ⊢ k x y (p:q) = x : k x (y+1)(p:q) (k.2)

From these four propositions we shall deduce the following generalization of Theorem 1.

Theorem 0. k x y f = [x + upto i f ] i=y

Proof by structural induction on f, which is an infinite list of integers.

caseL (Note — we need to distinguish between ΩL, the undefined element in the space to which f belongs, and ΩI, the undefined integer. The relationship between them is ΩL = [ΩI] i=0     )

k x yL = ΩL from k.1, k.2 by case exhaustion
    [x + upto iL] i=y
= [x + ΩI] i=y     from upto.1, upto.2
= [ΩI] i=y        properties of Ω
= ΩL as required

case p:f

   k x y ( p:f )
   = [x]py ++ k x p ( p:f ) by repeated appl. of k.2
= [x]py ++ k (x+1) p f ) by k.1
= [x]py ++ [(x+1) + upto i f ] i=p ex hyp.
= [x]py ++ [x + (1 + upto i f )] i=p properties of +
= [x]py ++ [x + upto i (p:f ))] i=p by upto.2
= [x + upto i (p:f ))] i=y by upto.1 and rearranging

QED Theorem 0.

Whence, since g = k 0 0 f, we have immediatly

Theorem 1 g = [upto i f ] i=0

Also you asked me to establish that g is A) ascending and B) unbounded, given appropriate assumptions about f. This now follows easily from the above. (Relaxing the level of formality somewhat) we have:

A) from upto.0 it follows (by transitivity of “>” that “upto i f " is an ascending function of i. Therefore, whatever the nature of f, g is ascending.

B) Let us define “f is unbounded” to mean, “for any N≥0, there is a j ≥0 such that fj > N. Assume f is unbounded (f ascending not relevant. Then, from upto.0,

        upto i f is defined for all i ≥0
Given any N≥0, define j = max{f0, ..., fN} then upto j f = gj exists, and by construction > N. So g too is unbounded.

*              *

So far Turner's reply. I like Turner’s proof, and in view of the fact that Turner answered me by returning mail it would be misplaced to complain too much about the fact that, in “case p:f ” the definitely less interesting case p<y hasn’t been dealt with explicitly.

I am slightly uneasy in “caseL” —particularly after the parenthetical remark explaining the difference between ΩL and ΩI— about the justification “from k.1, k.2 by case exhaustion”. My uneasyness is certainly caused by lack of familiarity how to deal with Ω. Take

funny (p:q) = if p≥10 → 1: funny q
                ⫿ p<10 → 1: funny q

Is funny ΩL = ΩL? Or is funny ΩL = ones (with ones = 1: ones)? I expect the first answer though I would prefer the second one, if I am giving full weight to the remark in [1], page 37).

The first point to be made is that in reasoning about SASL programs, Ω can be treated just like any other value as regards being substitutable in equations
Perhaps I have failed to fathom the complete depth of the constrained “as regards being substitutable in equations”.

The correspondence was triggered by remarks in [1] such as the recommendation of applicative programming (pg 14):

The proofs (like the programs themselves) are very much shorter than the proofs of the corresponding imperative programs.
I had my doubts, which have not been dispelled by the comparison of Turner’s proof with the one given in EWD758.

[1] Turner, D.A. “Program Proving and Applicative Languages”, August 1980

Plantaanstraat 5 27 December 1980
5671 AL NUENEN prof. dr. Edsger W. Dijkstra
The Netherlands Burroughs Research Fellow

Transcribed by Martin P.M. van der Burgt
Last revision 10-Nov-2015 .